Street Smart & Gets the Job Done

Who's She
Melanie Civetta
"Melanie is the actor you want to work with. She is dedicated and serious about the craft. I've coached her many times over the last few years and she has always been professional and gracious with adjustments. She is always curious and open to adjustments. To me, that makes the perfect recipe."
-Kimberly Graham, C.S.A.; Casting Director of Homeland
"What can you show me, that my heart don't know already?" -The Weeknd
"What pink hair?" ;)
-Melanie is an-NYC based actress & filmmaker that takes Irreverence reverently. The first film she produced was a major Scope mouthwash campaign. Deadass.
This might sound weird, but she's always gone directly to the source of her dreams--rules & gatekeeping be damned. Like, in high school, she was definitely sneaking to the front row at concerts- but it worked; so YEAH. Learn by do; hold the boring parts plz & thanks.
I wouldn't knock it. Because of this driven quality, she has worked extensively in NYC film production- Most notably at Saturday Night Live Film Unit for szns 42-47- and really refined her work ethic & knowledge of the film industry. An example of her Production Manager work can be seen in the high production value "Squid Game Music Video" starring Pete Davidson & Rami Malek. She's got stories, man; but you won't catch her spilling any tea!
For her Theatre B.A. at Purchase College; she would seek out & interview A-list actors at her Endeavor Talent Agency (before it was WME!) internship (and worked front desk & usher at the Performing Arts Center at Purchase too). To sum it up- If she's into it, she just gets all up in it & figures out how it *actually* works-key word being actually- and then like, puts $$$ where mouth is.
She approaches her Acting & character work similarly, & has most notably trained for on-camera Acting for several years with fellow practical-as-hell coach Tim Phillips. Saying that sh*t with her chest. Check out videos for receipts!

She currently studies with Kimberly Graham, C.S.A., & performs weekly with Workhorse Actors, a collective of like-minded practical performers. Her characters are running the show, street-smart, and suffer no bulls**t. Her friends will tell you that's how she is IRL too.
"Baby, you can make it as the underdog." - Banks